Международная летняя школа по космической геодезии и земным системам пройдет 21-25 августа 2012 года в Шанхае (Китай).
Лекторы и темы:
- Zuheir Altamimi (IGN, France) (Geodetic Techniques & Reference Frame)
- Richard Gross (JPL, NASA, USA) (Earth Rotation and Earth System)
- Manabu Hashimoto (Kyoto Univ., Japan) (InSAR and Applications)
- Shuanggen Jin (SHAO, CAS, China) (GNSS and Applications)
- Roland Klees (Delft Uni. Tech., Netherlands) (Gravimetry and Geoid)
- Harald Schuh (Vienna Uni. Tech., Austria) (VLBI and Space Geodesy)
- Florian Seitz (Tech. Uni. Munich, Germany) (Earth Rotation Modelling)
- Tonie van Dam (Uni. Luxembourg, Luxembourg) (Mass loading deforamtion)
- Shimon Wdowinski (University of Miami, USA)( Hydrology Geodesy)
- Jens Wickert (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)(GNSS Atmosphere Remoe Sensing)
- Jeffrey T. Freymueller (Uni. of Alaska, USA) (Tectonic/Earthquake Geodesy)
Подробнее на http://www.shao.ac.cn/schools